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Ryan & Bre — Minted




Ryan and Bre

Please join us for our wedding celebration on

Our Story

We met 15 years ago when we were just kids. We dated for a short time, and went our separate ways. But true love always finds a way. Next thing we knew, 5 years had gone by and we were suddenly reconnected through social media.

The days of getting to know one another again flew by - and suddenly we were right back to where we had left off. After a few months, we packed up and moved North to start a new phase of life together. We spent our time learning about one another, climbing mountains and visiting waterfalls.

After 8 years, we were ready for a new adventure. We began to explore the wilderness of Utah. How fitting is it that on one of our next explorations, Ryan would propose at the base of a waterfall.

Now we’re ready to start the next big Adventure of our lives: Marriage!